Monday, October 17, 2011


Just watched a video on facebook about a 2 year old toddler got hit by 2 vans, while 18 people pass by without offering any kind of help. The 19th person who pass by finally offered help but it was too late, the girl later die in the hospital. (

After watching the video, I am speechless. Heart ache and speechless. As a Chinese, I always believe we do have good quality (Every person in the world is born with good quality). It's just the poor-ness that make people the way they are now - to come up with creative idea to cheat, to be a snob when they got money, to care only how to make money and look down upon building a person's moral value, etc. But this news just shock me. How, how can I still believe I would be able to see some kind of change in Chinese quality after seeing this video? How can people become so cold? How can the basic moral value be diminished to such an extend?

Totally sadden by this news and my thoughts and prayers go out to this family.