Monday, September 19, 2011

Cost of Spontaneous Luxury

All of a sudden I am craving for cake. To be more specific, I am craving for Hong Kong style fresh cream cake. But oh well, living in Austin Texas, there is absolutely no where selling a good tasting fresh cream cake that is close by to take care of the craving, so, I opt for cupcake.

I stopped by a food truck that is specialized in cupcake when I am on the way home after work. And it SHOCKED me, $3 for one cupcake. It's not any fancy favor, just plain old chocolate cupcake with cream cheese frosting! Seriously, I think the cost for the cupcake is probably less than $.50! If I were to make the fresh cream cake by myself at home, it would take me less than an hour, and cost around $3, for a whole 2 layers 9 inch cake! And the cupcake doesn't even taste that good. Hmm... I guess that's the price to pay for for a little spontaneous luxury. I guess during this difficult time, I should be very thankful to be able to pay for this little spontaneous craving. I should also learn my lesson to have whip cream stand by at home in case I have another cake craving attack!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dolphin Tale

My husband and I brought our son to watch Dolphin Tale yesterday. This is our second attempt to bring him to a cinema for a movie. The first attempt is to watch 'The Cars 2' but Ansel got too scared of the dark and the loud noise, we didn't even make through the preview.

This time around, we start hyping him up since 2 weeks ago. Keep telling him about how we are going to watch a dolphin movie and how he is now a big boy, he will no longer be scared of the darkness. Seemingly, this tactic works.

I honestly do not expect much on this movie even though it starred 2 of my favorite actors: Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman. I guess I am just not too much of an animal person and never am too into any movie related to animals. I go solely because I know my son loves dolphin. And well, the tickets are free.

To my surprise, it is a GREAT movie. I love it and enjoy every single minute of it. A quick recap: It is a movie inspired by the true story of dolphin who got caught in a crab cage and severely damaged her tail. She rescued and send to a hospital. As there's too much dead tissue, her tail has to be cut. Then the story truly begin to focus on how a bunch of strangers banded together to save her life and how her story then inspire others.

I love how this movie is so simple that even my 3 year old son can follow the story line and know when the dolphin swim, it's a moment that worth applauding for (nobody else around him applauded so it's all his idea it's the right moment for celebration). Yet, it is engaging enough for adults to enjoy. It grabs onto your emotion so you rejoice when the tail-less dolphin learn to swim again, and gasped when it dislike the prosthetic tails so much to flip and destroy them. It is a beautiful story captured by a movie.

I am glad this is my son's first movie. It's inspiring, positive, loving and innocence. Yes, this movie is likely to have been altered somehow from the true story in order to make it more theatrical. But, it's not overdone at all. There not one place in the movie where I doubted, 'Is this too good to be true?' 'Is there really such wonderful people out there in our world?' All in all, this is a great movie that worth your time and money, with or without kid.

Check out more about this movie at:

Friday, September 2, 2011

Ice Pops

I've fell in love with the Zoku ice pop maker ( My son love ice pop and it's so easy to use. Some nights if Ansel behaves, I will reward him with an ice pop. I can just whip out Zoku, add juices and in 20mins, we are all sitting down and eating ice pop. No planning needed. What can be more fun than having spontaneous sweet treats any time you wish?!

Some ice pops I've made using store bought juices. I will definitely try to make some even healthier ice pops from scratch when I find time:

This is V8 fusion + Grape Juice with blueberry pieces

V8 fusion with Cranberry juice. Used apple pieces and Zoku character kit to make the face

Kids Birthday Cakes

I love to make kids' birthday cakes. It's just fun to see their expression when they see the cake. Here are a few I've made.
This is my first time making 2D chocolate decorations. Still using fresh cream cake as base

My son's 1 year old birthday cake. Love the cars cake mold from William Sonoma

My son's 2 year old birthday cake. First time making cake pops. It's easier to make as Big Bird and Elmo faces are both with texture. It would be harder if the cake ball needs to be smooth

This is my 2 sons' birthday cake. This time around my oldest is big enough to request what he wants - a Cars chocolate cupcake cake

Fresh Cream Cake

Other than having random thoughts, I love making dessert. Fresh cream cake is definitely one thing that I enjoy doing most as it's super easy and give a chance for me to think of fun and easy way to decorate using fresh fruits. And, usually I got praises on the cakes I made. What's more fun than getting lots of praises on something that is easily made?

There is no specific recipe but some basics. You can then tweak to make your own version of fresh cream cake.

Sponge cake - You can make your own or use cake mix
Whipped cream - You can buy cool whip or whip up your own using heavy cream
Fruits - Any kind as your heart desire. I usually use canned fruit cocktail as the filling and fresh fruits on top or around the side

1. Bake the cake and let it cool completely. You will need 2 layers so divide the batter in half
2. Drain all the liquid from the canned fruit. Make sure the fruit pieces are as dry as possible. I use paper towel to blot dry them and put them in the fridge overnight
3. Mix about a cup of whipped cream with the dried canned fruit
4. Lay one layer of the cake on the serving plate
5. Spread the canned fruit/whip cream mixture on top
6. Lay the other layer of sponge cake on top of the mixture
7. Spread whip cream to cover the whole cake
8. Decorate as you wish (You can add more layers if you wish)

Here are some of the fresh cream cakes I've made to give some decorating ideas:

ABC learning Chinese

As Chinese parents living in the US with 2 ABC (America born Chinese) boys, learning Chinese comes naturally to my mind from time to time. My husband and I have always been questioned about how do you plan to teach Chinese to your sons?

While some parents will enroll their kids in once a week Chinese class, or, like me, who bought some books to read and teach my kids Chinese and communicate with them via both English and Chinese, I know some parents who go to the extreme - They only speak Chinese with their kids. If the kid communicate in English, they punish them as they believe
1. Their kids will learn English eventually as they live in the states
2. They don't want their Chinese accent to affect the kid's English
3. The more you force them to speak, it will finally become their mother tongue

Even though some of the above thoughts are partially true, I rarely see a truly successful case. All the kids I know grow up with English being their mother tongue, at best, they can speak decently in Chinese when needed. Rarely would a kid also be able to read and write in Chinese.

Being raised in Hong Kong, I am bilingual. I can speak in Cantonese and English fluently and read/write in both languages. I can also speak reasonably understandable in Mandarin when needed. It is not because I am smart or what, it's because, in Hong Kong, most school teaches in both languages and we were being tested in both languages since kindergarten.

I just wish there's a school here in the US that does that. Where learning Chinese is not a once in a week thing, or some after school program, or some electives. When I talked to some mom friends, some of them would then say, 'Oh, that's too much. The kids already have so much school works, you don't want to push them to learn Chinese every day!'. But why? When all the kids in Hong Kong can survive it, and mostly grow up to be bilingual, why can't the kids here be the same? Why as a mom who go through this 'forced learning' to get proficient in English can't expect my own kid to be able to do at least the same?

As a mom, I wish my kids to grow up be better than me. I would love for them to be able to
1. Speak Cantonese, Mandarin and English
2. Read and write Chinese and English
3. In a career that make more money than I do
4. Have a healthier life style than I do
5. Live a better life than I do

Am I really asking too much?!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Hair soy sauce; Fake Apple stores; Fake eggs - Can we find anything that is real in China these days?

As a Chinese, my heart ache each time when I read these news. It ache even more whenever I hear a Chinese said, 'I am ashamed to be a Chinese!' What happen to this country with all the history, with all the wonderful old teachings like Confucius? With all the folk stories that teach us the fundamental qualities to be a good, useful and successful person?

I am no political commenter or sociologist to make real comment on what's going on, but the reason comes to mind after reading all these news is: Chinese has been poor for way too long. Everyone is desperate to become rich and have a better life. They can care less about what happen to others as long as they are out of the poor zone.

From all the fake stuff, even though they are horrifying (and disgusting), but they also demonstrate how smart and creative the Chinese really are. Only if these smart minds are put into the right places, then China can become a really strong country. Only if all the Chinese can start to live a better life, then they can go back to chase after the 'good qualities' of being human. Only if I live to see that day...

Outrageous Kid Parties

The other night when I mindlessly flip channels while I am pumping, I saw a new TLC show called: 'Outrageous Kid Parties'. Being a mom who just finished planning my 2 sons' birthday party, I am curious how outrageous the rich mom can get when it comes to 'giving our kids the best', aka, spoiling our kids.

After watching that show for a while till now I write about it, lots of detail about the show have been lost from my mind. But I recall something like, a mom planning on a party with merry-go-around plus roller coaster where the kid find out roller coaster is not possible and throw a fist; To a mom planning for a party with rock climber as the birthday gift; To a party where the birthday girl's ballet classmates auditioned to dance in the little girl's birthday party... I am like, what kind of world am I living in now?

This is no normal spoiling... Spending 10K+ on a little kid's birthday party (some cost 30K or more), WHY? He/She will probably forget about it a year later. Even if he/she remembers, what kind of message is sent to them? Mom and Dad are extremely rich and we are the king of the world where we can request and get whatever we desired, the sky is the limit?! I have no idea what those parents were thinking.

I, in the eyes of my friends, am a mom who spoil my kids. We live in a nice neighborhood where we were blessed with a large property, with a pool and a private play scape. We do have the luxury to stay in resort to enjoy some spontaneous trips to Sea World. But, I would never spend more than a grand for a kid party. I still believe in simple joy where fun should be when we share quality time with good friends. Fun should be occasional spur within reason while spur happens when you are the one who pay for it via money you've earn. If you look at kids, they can be happy to just play with a pile of wittered leaves in the backyard. All those outrageously expensive parties, in my opinion, are all for the parents rather than the kids...

Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer, the movie that inspired me to start this blog. My husband rented this movie because we came across a bunch of free blockbuster express rental code and have been watching free movies for quite some time. We were at a point to have watched all movies we are interested in, hence, we rent this one as at least the movie starred someone we knew (Helen Hunt, Carrie Underwood, etc)
Once we hit play, we realize what a jewel we have stumble across. First, let me give a little background on what this movie is about. (Taken directly from the movie website) -
SOUL SURFER is the inspiring true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm
in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, through her
sheer determination and unwavering faith.

As I mentioned earlier, I have no idea what this movie is about. I thought it's just another movie about surfing. It would have pretty girls, pretty oceanic scenery and a decently inspiring story along the line of how a girl overcome some trouble to become good surfer, etc. I was joking with my husband on how they show the view from under the sea coming up to Bethany laying on the surf board during the night surf. I said, 'Ha, they shoot this scene like this making me feel like something's gonna happen!'. So I was shocked when 'something' REALLY HAPPENED - then a shark bite off Bethany's arm.

Then I thought to myself, gosh, no way this girl can surf anymore... So at the back of my mind, the rest of the movie would be able how she overcome a new life with only one arm, and focus on doing charity... It shocked me that later on, the movie move on to show how Bethany work hard to still compete in surfing. It's just a story line that I have not expected.

Even more unexpected is that this is a true story. It shocked me to see there really is a Bethany! Then it strike me, what I have been watching is a real life (well, I am guess at least mostly real), of a real person and her family.

Then it start dragging me into deeper thoughts. With some recent event at the church I am attending, where a graceful lovely little girl has just find out to have cancer, God's sovereignty has been on my mind a lot. Being a Christian for over 15 years, I have heard many times on how Christians response when bad things happen to good people: God has sovereignty over what happen to us. There might be suffering to one person but it's to bring out greater good for someone else or the world. We might not be able to see God's plan now but we need to believe he does have a plan and good intention. Yep, I heard all these, but if I am the mom of Bethany, what would I do? Would I treat it as graceful as Bethany's mom did? I am pretty sure I won't. And I simply couldn't. How could I? If I see my kid suffer as much, and her childhood dream/love of the life being ruin in one event, how could I not wonder why it happened? How could I not question God's fairness? How could I see any good out of the devastating event?

I know, after watching the whole movie, this sad event at the end does become a chance to turn her loss into a gift for others. But no one really can look back to our life like watching a movie, right? So I have no answer to why bad things happen to good people. I don't have answer to what would I do if bad things happen to me or my family, but I dare not think about it. After all, as an average person and an average mom, all I want is my family and my love ones to be safe and healthy. That's what matters...

First time blogging

Finally it's the day for me to start a blog. Being a Computer Science major, working in the IT field for over 10 years, blog is no stranger to me. But being a naturally laid back person without much interest to endlessly build and expand my career, the only blog I read are cooking blogs. :)

The driving force behind me starting my own blog now is because of a movie: Soul Surfer. After watching the movie, I feel the urge to introduce the movie to my friends; I didn't have a lots to share about the movie but somehow I feel the urge to write down when I thought. Then it pops up in my mind, why don't I just start a blog to jot down my 'scattered thoughts'?

So, this blog will not really be specifically focused on a topic. But you can also say, this blog is specifically focused on my thoughts, from movie to food, from TV shows to mom's life with 2 boys... If you happen to stomp across this space, you can find it all in here. After all, I just wish to have a space somewhere to jot down my thoughts and share with people who are interested to read on...