Monday, September 19, 2011

Cost of Spontaneous Luxury

All of a sudden I am craving for cake. To be more specific, I am craving for Hong Kong style fresh cream cake. But oh well, living in Austin Texas, there is absolutely no where selling a good tasting fresh cream cake that is close by to take care of the craving, so, I opt for cupcake.

I stopped by a food truck that is specialized in cupcake when I am on the way home after work. And it SHOCKED me, $3 for one cupcake. It's not any fancy favor, just plain old chocolate cupcake with cream cheese frosting! Seriously, I think the cost for the cupcake is probably less than $.50! If I were to make the fresh cream cake by myself at home, it would take me less than an hour, and cost around $3, for a whole 2 layers 9 inch cake! And the cupcake doesn't even taste that good. Hmm... I guess that's the price to pay for for a little spontaneous luxury. I guess during this difficult time, I should be very thankful to be able to pay for this little spontaneous craving. I should also learn my lesson to have whip cream stand by at home in case I have another cake craving attack!

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