Thursday, September 1, 2011

Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer, the movie that inspired me to start this blog. My husband rented this movie because we came across a bunch of free blockbuster express rental code and have been watching free movies for quite some time. We were at a point to have watched all movies we are interested in, hence, we rent this one as at least the movie starred someone we knew (Helen Hunt, Carrie Underwood, etc)
Once we hit play, we realize what a jewel we have stumble across. First, let me give a little background on what this movie is about. (Taken directly from the movie website) -
SOUL SURFER is the inspiring true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm
in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, through her
sheer determination and unwavering faith.

As I mentioned earlier, I have no idea what this movie is about. I thought it's just another movie about surfing. It would have pretty girls, pretty oceanic scenery and a decently inspiring story along the line of how a girl overcome some trouble to become good surfer, etc. I was joking with my husband on how they show the view from under the sea coming up to Bethany laying on the surf board during the night surf. I said, 'Ha, they shoot this scene like this making me feel like something's gonna happen!'. So I was shocked when 'something' REALLY HAPPENED - then a shark bite off Bethany's arm.

Then I thought to myself, gosh, no way this girl can surf anymore... So at the back of my mind, the rest of the movie would be able how she overcome a new life with only one arm, and focus on doing charity... It shocked me that later on, the movie move on to show how Bethany work hard to still compete in surfing. It's just a story line that I have not expected.

Even more unexpected is that this is a true story. It shocked me to see there really is a Bethany! Then it strike me, what I have been watching is a real life (well, I am guess at least mostly real), of a real person and her family.

Then it start dragging me into deeper thoughts. With some recent event at the church I am attending, where a graceful lovely little girl has just find out to have cancer, God's sovereignty has been on my mind a lot. Being a Christian for over 15 years, I have heard many times on how Christians response when bad things happen to good people: God has sovereignty over what happen to us. There might be suffering to one person but it's to bring out greater good for someone else or the world. We might not be able to see God's plan now but we need to believe he does have a plan and good intention. Yep, I heard all these, but if I am the mom of Bethany, what would I do? Would I treat it as graceful as Bethany's mom did? I am pretty sure I won't. And I simply couldn't. How could I? If I see my kid suffer as much, and her childhood dream/love of the life being ruin in one event, how could I not wonder why it happened? How could I not question God's fairness? How could I see any good out of the devastating event?

I know, after watching the whole movie, this sad event at the end does become a chance to turn her loss into a gift for others. But no one really can look back to our life like watching a movie, right? So I have no answer to why bad things happen to good people. I don't have answer to what would I do if bad things happen to me or my family, but I dare not think about it. After all, as an average person and an average mom, all I want is my family and my love ones to be safe and healthy. That's what matters...

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